Chimney Video Inspections

Chimney Video Inspections can provide a detailed, reliable insight into difficult-to-view areas that potentially pose great risks and expenses. Video Inspections are invaluable in times of crisis or uncertainty, and provides cost-saving information and peace of mind about the safety of your chimney.

When is a video inspection of your chimney needed?

Basically, whenever damage or deterioration are not discernible enough with bright lights and the naked eye.

  • After a damaging event such as a chimney fire, a house fire, a lightning strike, a tree falling on your chimney, a severe animal presence, and/or development of an extreme blockage.  NOTE:  many such "events" (not gradual wear and tear) are covered by normal homeowner's insurance!

  • When major interior flue deterioration has been observed — usually because of acid erosion or freeze-thaw cycles induced by water penetration.   Such deterioration is often accompanied by seeping dark stains or white calcium salts ("efflorescence").  When a chimney is unlined (or suspected of being unlined) and verification of its status and the extent of deteriorated mortar joints and brickwork needs to be determined.  A chimney video inspection can often ascertain the appropriateness of continued service based on safety, Code, performance and durability issues.  NOTE:  Lots of old, unlined brick chimneys (usually built before 1950) have no business being used without remedial actions and repairs — e.g., fireplaces and oil/gas flues.

  • As a means of routine or extra thorough evaluation as part of regular maintenance, at a time of real estate transfer, or when an insurance company wants detailed data.  Installing a new heating appliance,  especially a woodstove, may be an important occasion for a chimney video inspection!  

How does chimney video inspection work?

  • A  3" x 6" camera is inserted into the chimney, either from above or below, and caused to travel up and down the chimney while attached to flexible rods.

  • The resulting visual images are monitored on a portable video screen positioned either at the top or bottom.

  • Helpful or appropriate visual evidence is captured in color via digital video equipment that saves it for future viewing and analysis.  Hard copy pictures can be reproduced to be part of reports and proposals. Copies of crucial images can be made available to appropriate parties as needed, either in digital or hard copy format.